I have written two books, both published by Hashtag Press. They are both bestsellers on Amazon and consistently in the top 100 for their category.
My books are available from all good bookshops, libraries and online retailers. They are also sold directly by my publisher - click on the book icon to be taken through to their order page (and help support an independent business)
Was this in the plan?
Far from being a misery memoir, Was this in the Plan? Is a frank, open and no-holds-barred account of how a family was determined not just to survive but to thrive when the odds were against them. It will make you question your own attitude to life and how you choose to respond when unexpected events throw you off course.
Jo Whiley wrote a moving foreword for the book and it has received multiple 5* reviews on Amazon and Good Reads and on publication received a 5* review from the Sun books editor.
Goodbye Daisy
Goodbye Daisy is a beautifully illustrated children's book and parent/teacher resource to support children who are grieving for a loved one. I
t's based on my own experience in telling Daisy's friends that they would not see her again and uses a social story to remind children to think of the happy times they had with their friends and that it's OK to be sad, mad and glad.
There is also information to support parents as well as professionals. While the book is aimed at children with learning disabilities , it's also relevant for young children who are grieving.
I began writing my blog in 2008. I had found myself in an alien world of caring, hospitals and systems of which I had no prior knowledge and my blog became a way of documenting my journey as well as shining a light on this new hidden world.
I've written hundreds of posts and the blog has evolved to confront issues around caring, palliative care and end of life decisions and disability....as well as always openly and honestly documenting my story.
It's won awards and been shared thousands of times, all over the world. Nothing gives me more pleasure however than receiving a message via the blog from someone for whom my words have resonated.
12 years of blog writing, 1.5million unique views, I don't make a single penny from my blog writing, for me it's a way of giving back (and it's also been a kind of therapy, something I turn to during the sad times and happy times).
In world where the words blogger and influencer have started to have negative connotations I seem to have stayed the course. Just never refer to me as a "mummy blogger" please
(click on the avatar below to be taken to my blog)